Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sorry for the absence.

Yeah it's been a while since I posted. I've still be drawing for the most part, but I guess I've gotten kind of lazy at updating this thing. But ever since I moved into the city closer to my college I've been inspired to draw more and that means more updates. Yay. For now here are a couple of sketches I did in my sketchbook. Nothing too special, but I thought I'd post them up here. One I did in blue prisma color which was the first time I used that medium to sketch extensively. It was 40 minute pose and the model was pretty good. The other one was just some random sketches on the bus and subway, but I think I'm going to try to put more and more of my sketchbook stuff on here. See how it works out.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Been a while.

I don't think I've posted a drawing here since my school semester ended. Here's one though. Just some random girl I found on Facebook that I just had to draw.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Workshop sketch.

Did this at a workshop. Meh. Not disappointed, but not necessarily pleased. I think I made her head a little too narrow. It's a little more wide than it is long. The individual head study I messed up on from the beginning, but made the most out of it since I can't erase prismacolor. It was relaxing though to just sketch this one and not necessarily worry about time since I had at ton of it. No rush. But I need to work on my faces.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I love a girl in uniform.

This is just some random drawing I did from photo reference. I wish I could get that 2H lead darker. Hmmm...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Watch out they spit...

Here is an assignment I did for class. The topic was ancient Egypt. Pretty basic perspective technique here.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Inkwash drawings.

Inkwash drawings on white paper. These were from last semester. I think they were about thirty minutes. Twenty minutes for the drawing and ten minutes for the inkwash technique. Don't feel that great about them, but whatever.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Charcoal penicl portrait.

Portrait that took about four or five hours. B Charcoal pencil. It was really difficult to shift values with a hard charcoal pencil on pure white paper. Wish I had more time on it.
She was a good model. Kept her position really well.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Here's another drawing.

Here's another drawing I did for one of my classes. It's a dual composition piece. I took two photographs of two people and combined them into one picture composition. Took me a few hours to complete.

Figure painting.

A painting I did a couple of weeks back. She was a really good model to work from. Basically this piece consists mainly of various values of Burnt Umber oil paint along with some very subtle transparent colors. I was going to color in the surrounding background and areas, but I liked the way how it already looked. Overall I felt "meh" about this one. I guess it's better than when I first started the year which was my first extensive experience with painting, but...ehhh...still don't like it that much.